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Garet Hofer

Diocese of Stockton
Director of Information Technology
Stockton, CA
Hey there, DISC community! I'm excited to be here for my second year and to have the opportunity to connect with all of you. As the Director of Information Technology for the Diocese of Stockton, I've been working in the IT field for over a decade now. I've managed to collect a few certifications along the way, like CCNA, A+, Net+, and Microsoft Windows Technician. I've also got a ton of experience with Office 365, Intune, and Entra ID.

While I'm not directly involved in the DISC organization, I'm always eager to collaborate with other diocesan members to share ideas and inspire creativity. In my role at the Diocese of Stockton, I've had the chance to work on some pretty cool projects. I implemented Office 365 for more than 10 parishes (it was quite the undertaking, let me tell you!), and I'm currently working on migrating our department drives to SharePoint in the cloud. I've also set up OneDrive and created backup systems to ensure our data is safe and sound, no matter what.

One of my favorite projects has been setting up a Fortinet security solution from scratch. It covers our firewall, switches, and wireless network, creating a pretty impressive fortress of digital security.

When I'm not busy defending our digital realm or migrating data to the cloud, you can usually find me geeking out over the latest tech trends or cracking jokes with my colleagues. I firmly believe that laughter is the best medicine, especially when dealing with the occasional IT headache.

If any of these topics pique your interest or if you just want to swap some IT war stories, feel free to reach out. I'm always happy to lend an ear, share my experiences, or brainstorm new ideas. Looking forward to connecting with you all and making this year's DISC experience one for the books!
Monday, June 24

6:00pm EDT

Tuesday, June 25

7:30am EDT

8:30am EDT

11:00am EDT

12:00pm EDT

2:45pm EDT

3:15pm EDT

5:15pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

9:00pm EDT

Wednesday, June 26

7:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

9:00am EDT

9:15am EDT

10:00am EDT

12:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

2:45pm EDT

3:45pm EDT

4:45pm EDT

5:00pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

9:30pm EDT

Thursday, June 27

8:00am EDT

9:00am EDT

10:15am EDT

12:00pm EDT

12:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

6:30pm EDT

9:00pm EDT

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