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Pushpay OverviewPushpay offers integrated software solutions focused on facilitating donations, communication, and community engagement for faith-based organizations and educational institutions.
Key Offerings:
  1. Giving Solutions:
    • Online Giving: Enables secure and convenient digital donations through web and mobile platforms.
    • Recurring Giving: Allows donors to set up automatic recurring donations.
    • Text Giving: Provides a fast and easy way to give via text message.
    • Donor Management: Tracks donor information and giving history for better relationship management.
  2. Engagement Tools:
    • Church Management System (ChMS): Manages member information, events, and communications.
    • Mobile App: Customizable apps for churches to engage with members through events, sermons, and updates.
    • Mass Communication: Sends messages via email, SMS, and app notifications to keep the community informed.
  3. ChurchStaq:
    • A comprehensive suite of tools combining giving, ChMS, and app capabilities for an all-in-one church management and engagement solution.
  4. People Management:
    • Tools for tracking attendance, volunteer management, and organizing small groups or events.
  • Increased Giving: Simplifies the donation process, encouraging more frequent and larger donations.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Strengthens community connections through improved communication and member involvement.
  • Streamlined Administration: Reduces administrative burden with integrated management tools, allowing staff to focus more on ministry.
Pushpay aims to help organizations thrive by making giving and engagement more accessible and effective. For more information, visit the Pushpay website.